Two Poems by Tom Pitre

A Visit to the UPS Counter

A small machine
in a deep fold
of my brain
lifts each corner of my mouth in turn
and I smile at the pretty woman
behind  the counter.

A whisper
sends a spark to my chest,
and I let go
all the charm
I can muster
as the worm in my groin
stirs, recoils,
from the electricity
of this unfamiliar arena.

A feeling, not unlike
paints the inside of
my stomach.

Her teeth are
straight and white.
Her eyes reflect
something  from the inside
I’d never seen.

I am validated.


Family Gathering

I was picked up
by one leg
dropped hard
onto the middle
of the living room.

I sat there for a long time
looking at the flocked wallpaper.
A lady in a bright, red dress
joined me,
sitting quietly,
staring straight at me
her legs opened in a wide
her back straight and stiff.

Two little kids and a dog
joined us.
A boy, about ten
a girl, five.
The dog was
solid black.
His mouth was open
as if to bark, but
I couldn’t hear anything,
only the adenoidal breathing
of the little girl
with her doll house
creating her own
little family gathering
in the living room of a
tiny cardboard house.


Tom Pitre’s questions:

1)  Does either poem resonate with you?
2)  Can you see/fee what is going on?
3)  Do these strike you in a particular way?
4)  Do you say to yourself, “I get it?”….as I do when I read Heather McHugh…

Tom Pitre’s blog:

Reply directly to the poet:  jmurray9  (at)  gmail  (dot)  com

1 Comment

  1. Hazel Muller  •  Mar 14, 2013 @2:36 pm

    Yes, I “get” the first poem. I love the last line “I am validated.” Good work!

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